Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Summary of sources

Of my 3 sources available to me, I have 2 academic sources from an online database and one non-academic source given to me by the person I interviewed (Professor Dan Conway). The non-academic source is an example of an assignment that he has given in the past when he was a professor at the University of Notre dame. It provides me an excellent example of how to incorporate the idea of efficiency in the writing of business analytics. Also, it shows me how I can use colors, themes, diagrams, and images to draw the reader’s attention to what is most important in your presentation. My other two sources, both academic sources, allow me to visit the complete other side of the business analytics spectrum. These are both examples of when a business analyst works alongside a professional in the writing field and discusses their data, discoveries, and other topics in much more depth than with a simple presentation. They must use more in-depth language and a lot more descriptions so the readers (usually other experts in business analytics) can read their piece of work and be able to immediately use the information that is being given to them by the author. 

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