Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Analysis of Sources

In the field of business (data) analytics, many genres are used to tell the story. Among all of the genres, the main theme is to express the information as efficiently as possible. Whether it be a pamphlet, a website, or an article (as expressed in my 3 sources), all tell the story of a large amount of information using as little words as possible. The purpose of those in the analytics field is to find trends in the data, not to express it using a lot of words; which is why they often collaborate with a writing professional to write large pieces of texts such as papers and books. I plan to use these sources to show how data analysts express large amounts of data and information into small amounts of words; how they write with great efficiency.


  1. What are the three actual sources you're using?

  2. What are the three actual sources you're using?
