Monday, September 7, 2015

How I used quotes in my past essays

In the essay I wrote about Pete Rose's lifetime ban from baseball, I used many quotes to amplify the message of the essay. With my first quote, "First, understand: Rose broke baseball's most sacred rule - no betting on the game - and he should have been harshly punished. He has been. No man who is still living has been iced for as long as Rose", I introduced it using a lead-in referencing the author of the article I quoted (Miller says). This allowed me to identify the original source and recognize his impact on the arrival. The quote itself portrayed a general summary of the topic of the essay, and improved the clarity of the overall message. My second quote, "I've been led to believe America is a forgiving country, and if you do the right things - keep your nose clean, be a good citizen, pay your taxes, do all the things you're supposed to - eventually you'll get a second chance", I referenced the speaker of the original quote after it was stated in my paper (according to Rose). I then elaborated on the true meaning and relevance of the quote and used it to strengthen the argument that I was making throughout the entire essay.

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