Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Summary of Interview

In my interview with Professor Dan Conway, we discussed the purpose and uses of writing in the field of business analytics. In general, the emphasis of the conversation was on how writing was used to express large amounts of data and information in a very small amount of words. However, when the analysts need to use academic writings, (which doesn't happen all the time, but is still a very important part of the field), they consult professionals in the writing field to help them format their words into papers. The key to writing in business analytics is to write with efficiency. By using efficient writing, you can insert diagrams, images, colors, themes, etc. to draw attention to the more important aspects of the subject you are writing on. Also, it allows you to skip the fluff of normal writing and cut straight to the point. Often times in the business analytics world, your writing will be read in as quickly as 1 or 2 minutes, and you have to be able to present the important parts of your topic so they are focused on. If you fail to write efficiently, some of your key points may be missed or skipped over while the person is reading your writing. Professor Conway also talked about the increases in technology and how they have changed the world of business analytics. In general, the technology changes have allowed for things to be done more quickly. For example, the time it takes to earn a degree in the business analytics field has been cut from 12 years down to 3 years. Also, it has allowed companies to be able to interact with customers or other business partners all over the world by using new tools such as Skype, google drive, etc.

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