Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Topic Proposal

The lack of available food in the dorms is affecting the stomachs and wallets of dorm students all over campus. Each student spends hundreds of dollars on food after the dining hall closes, because there are no other options. The issue was brought to my attention by various students on campus, as the struggle for food is common for almost everyone. I have personally been affected by this issue as well, as I constantly am hungry late at night and forced to spend money on food that could be provided to me on the meal plan.
In this speech, I will argue that it is absolutely necessary for dining halls to be open later than they are right now. Students spend way too much of their own money. They could be further utilizing their meal plan by eating at the dining halls later or using some other source of provided food in order to save the precious money that they have.

I will focus primarily on the dining halls and their unused potential. If the dining halls were kept open until midnight, the problem would virtually solve itself. I will be gaining the majority of the insight from students on campus, because they have experienced this problem first-hand. 

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