Monday, October 26, 2015

Two Research Questions

1st Idea:
1.       Question
a.       Where do students spend their money during the week and on the weekends? Is the money spent more on school or social reasons? What purchases do students regret?
2.       Participants
a.        I will be asking people that attend the University of Iowa, but also those that I know from home that attend other universities. This will allow me to have a good variety of responses
3.       Conducting Research
a.       Where – I will be conducting my research from the University of Iowa in Iowa City, IA
b.      How – I will be using an online survey machine called survey monkey, which will allow me to receive their responses easily and efficiently
4.       Analyzing
a.       For starters, I will group the responders based on the university they attend. I will also create another group based on their hometown, to see if the trends are different based on these two factors
5.       Presentation of Data
a.       To represent my data, I will include various graphs, charts, and tables. These will show the trends that my data possesses based on the locations that I split the groups into

2nd Idea
1.       Question
a.       How many hours do you spend studying or doing class work per week? Is someone setting a requirement for you, or are you doing so on your own?
2.       Participants
a.       I will be asking both students that attend the University of Iowa and students that attend other collegiate level schools, to ensure that there is no bias incorporated in their responses
3.       Conducting Research
a.       Where – I will be conducting my research from the University of Iowa
b.      How – I will be using the online survey machine called survey monkey to make it very easy for my responders to give me an answer
4.       Analyzing:
a.       To start, I will observe the answers based on geographic location. First, I will divide them by the university they attend and then in another chart, I will split the responses up by their hometown
5.       Presentation of Data:

a.       To represent my data, I will include various graphs, charts, and tables. These will show the trends that my data possesses based on the locations that I split the groups into

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