Monday, August 31, 2015

Major Writing #1

The main purpose of “Major Writing #1” is to help us, as students, become more familiar with the different genres of writing that are used within the business world. We will also become more familiar with using and citing other sources (both written and spoken) within our own personal writings. By interviewing experts and researching our topics, we will compile information and use it to write a very informative paper about our chosen field of business. Once our paper is complete, it will be portrayed to high school students that are interested in our field, allowing them to better understand what it has to offer. 

Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Essay Analysis

The purpose of my on-demand essay was to discuss the topic of technology effecting our social skills. It was a persuasive essay, so I had to take a stand and attempt to persuade the audience to one side or another. The goal was to use the power of words to influence the readers, just as many people do in current events in today’s world. I chose to argue the side that technology has had a greater benefit to our society than the hindrances of our social skills. I stated in my introduction, “although there may be hindering effects from the use of technology, the increase in safety, advances in communication, and aiding of health are benefits that have propelled our society to a whole new level” to attempt to sway the readers opinion early on in the essay. Overall, I did a decent job fulfilling the purpose of the essay and thoroughly provided the readers with information, providing several specific examples in my arguments such as “with more advances, there have been creations such as Twitter, Facebook, and other social medias that have allowed for issues around the world to be spread at the blink of an eye. We no longer have to wait for attacks in Asia or genocide in South America to be discovered by the hierarchies of our country”. This is a very common argument in our current society since we have become heavily dependent on technology and I used the power of words to persuade the audience to my side of the argument. 

Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Welcome to my blog

Welcome to my blog for business rhetoric! I will be posting here whenever we have an assignment that is due!